The dildo is a non-vibrating phallic-shaped sex toy, used for vaginal or anal penetration. They have existed since pre-history and have brought pleasure to several generations of women who wanted to spice up their sex life. Alone or accompanied, the dildo will always satisfy you.

There are various shapes and materials, from silicone to glass, metal and SILEXPAN®. Some have built-in suction cups. We will review the choices available to you, before you indulge in the pleasure of orgasm. Not guilty, your honor.

In terms of their shape, most dildos look like casts of the male sex. A more or less long penis, topped by a glans. Sometimes, veins are also present for an enhanced and realistic look of an erect penis, along with the testicles.

The materials have evolved over time that majority of them today are made of silicone which provides a soft and pleasant texture. The flexibility of the material varies from one model to another, but the dildo will always be suitable for various purposes that your perverted mind would desire to make use of: vaginal, anal, oral, auricular…

The SILEXPAN® is a mix between a rigid base and a soft silicone surface. This gives the dildo a realistic skin-like texture, while ensuring constant pressure on your erogenous zones. Just like a real penis, but without the meaty bits and the problems that come with it.

As for glass and metal, they are excellent materials for those who seek extreme sensations. Their rigidity allows to maintain a constant level of pressure on the vaginal or anal walls. They will also allow you to play with cold or hot temperatures, in order to experiment with multiple sensations. Moreover, their maintenance through sterilization is very easy. You are not yet done enjoying yourself!

Finally, let’s not forget to talk about those with built-in suction cups. These dildo models are especially user-friendly. The suction cup allows you to place your dildo on any flat surface so that you may use it hands-free. In other words, you’ll be free to fondle, to masturbate, to perform oral sex or to film yourself. A shower wall, a solid mirror,  or your grandmother’s coffee table will do the trick!

Don’t forget to clean your dildo before and after use, with suitable products. Sterilization is an essential step in maintaining proper hygiene.