The womanizer is the most popular and the most widely-used sex toy by women all over the world! It is our pleasure to share its secrets with you.

This clitoral stimulator is the star of female masturbation. It will give you multiple intense orgasms.

Its air suction feature called Pleasure Air technology makes it the most effective product on the market.

Its ergonomic design, its soft texture, its silent motor and its hollow mouth make it a product particularly appreciated by all clitorises.

The stimulator diffuses pressure waves all around the clitoris without direct contact. It will give you a good number of repeated orgasms, almost anywhere. Within the limits of public indecency, of course.

The intense sensations at the perfect spot will drive you crazy, without ever saturating the sensory receptors or risk desensitizing the clitoris. It allows you to reach magnificent multiple orgasms, without leaving you an unpleasant sensation afterwards. So you can do it again and again, and that’s all you ask. Good girl.

The Womanizer comes in several models: the classic, liberty, premium, premium 2, starlet, duo, eco, lily allen, and inside out. Each of these models have different features and functions Depending on your preference and budget, you are bound to find the womanizer that will send you to seventh heaven.